Urban and Regional Planning

Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2022

  • Access to Healthcare and Spatialisation of Resources in Sub-saharan Africa: A GIS Solution to Mobility and Treatment of Patients in the West Region of Cameroon

    Tende Renz Tichafogwe, Nkumbesone Makoley, Kana Clavel Djibril

    Issue: Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2022
    Pages: 1-9
    Received: 30 October 2021
    Accepted: 25 November 2021
    Published: 16 February 2022
    Abstract: Access to health and availability of sanitary resources is a major deterrent to mobility and treatment in sub-Saharan African towns. If it is not a problem of distance, perhaps it will be that of existing health infrastructure and know-how. This article posits that the incongruence in the availability of health units and unsatisfactory alertness ha... Show More
  • The Construction of the Density, Verticality and Sustainability Indicator (DVSI) for Condominiums: A Case Study in the City of Campo Grande/MS

    Lusianne Azamor Torres, Lais Caroline Bertolino de Almeida, Angelo Marcos Vieira de Arruda

    Issue: Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2022
    Pages: 10-19
    Received: 22 January 2022
    Accepted: 13 February 2022
    Published: 25 February 2022
    Abstract: The challenge of disorderly growth and lack of planning, resulting from the processes of urban occupation in many Brazilian cities, the need to build environmentally healthy, balanced and sustainable urban spaces has arisen, as an attempt to guarantee protection of the anthropic and natural environment and the quality of life for current citizens, ... Show More
  • Visual Evaluation of Park Landscape Based on SBE and Eye Tracking

    Qiang Wang, Mingyuan Zhao, Lanyong Zhao

    Issue: Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2022
    Pages: 20-25
    Received: 11 February 2022
    Published: 28 February 2022
    Abstract: In the field of landscape visual aesthetic evaluation, the SBE (Scenic Beauty Estimation) method is the main way for researchers of the psychophysical school. It obtains evaluation results by having evaluators observe photographs and rate landscape objects using uniform evaluation criteria, and is currently recognized as one of the better methods f... Show More